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Mothers’ Day A watch for Mothers’ Day WorldTempus has selected a dozen ladies’ models that would make an appropriate Mothers’ Day gift.

The exact date of Mothers’ Day changes from place to place. In most countries, including Switzerland, Canada, Belgium, Germany, New Zealand, Brazil, Australia and the United States, Mothers’ Day takes place on the second Sunday in May. In France, the event is celebrated on the last Sunday in May. In the UK, Mothers’ Day originated from Mothering Sunday, a religious festival when people would return to their “mother church”, the church where they had been baptised. It is the fourth Sunday of Lent, which this year fell in mid-March.

While the origins of Mothers’ Day probably go back to prehistory, the tradition as we know it today was imported from the United States. It was Anna Marie Jarvis who first campaigned for a special day, to honour the memory of her own mother, who died in 1905. Her efforts succeeded in 1914, when Congress officially decreed that the second Sunday in May would be known as Mothers’ Day. The UK adopted the tradition in the same year, and other countries followed suit in later years.

No doubt we all remember the presents we proudly presented to our own mothers each Mothers’ Day: the pasta necklaces, the salt dough sculptures, not forgetting all those poems. Today, WorldTempus will spare you the DIY, instead offering a selection of watches you could buy to mark this special date for a special person. There’s something for every taste and every budget, from quartz to mechanical, from steel to gold, diamonds optional.

Click on the gallery to discover our selection of watches.



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